My Professional Services

One Project—One Price

I offer professional communication services to you, your company, or your organization. I deliver the projects you assign to me on-time and on-budget.

My Rates

Documentation Services

Publication Commercial Rate/hr Notes
Requirements Analysis $45.00
  1. Entire package for the fixed fee quoted
  2. Available to commercial clients only
Design Specification $45.00
API/Programming Guide  $55.00
Quick-Start Guide  $55.00
Administrator Guide  $65.00
User Guide  $65.00
Policy & Procedure Manual $75.00  
Proposal Response $75.00 Financials data not included
Presentation Material $125.00 Formats: xlxs, docx, PDF

Note: Other media or document types available on request.

Website Design & Deployment

Website Model Open-Source CMS/hr Notes
Brochure $45.00
  1. Client is responsible for establishing own Web hosting.
  2. Website will be developed separately on my Development site.
  3. I set up Google Analytics & Search Console accounts for the site.
  4. I promote each site to Google & Bing.
  5. Upon client approval, I transfer the developed site to client’s Web host.
  6. I deliver complete user documentation only for an open-source CMS (Joomla, WordPress, Drupal) site.
E-commerce $45.00
Social Networking $45.00

Website Support

These are add-on services to support existing sites.

Service Commercial Sites Notes
Images $25.00/image Includes cost of royalty-free stock image purchased, preparation, & installation
Image Galleries $65.00/gallery Includes preparation & configuration of a static or sliding image gallery averaging 15 images
Web Content Creation/Editing $45.00/article Includes SEO functions & tagging
Website Maintenance $120.00/month Includes: 4 hours per month, CMS, component, & extension software updates; complete Website backup

Payment Terms & Methods

  1. New clients pay up-front for contracted hourly services as agreed in our contract before I begin work.
  2. Clients pay 50% of the negotiated cost of a fixed-fee contract before I begin work.
  3. I invoice only on an "On Receipt" basis.
  4. I accept payments via company or personal check, cash, or PayPal.
  5. I do not accept payments via e-check, telecheck, or through any online gateway other than PayPal.


I provide a 90-day warranty for my services following acceptance of the final deliverable. In other words, if you find an issue with what I’ve done for you, I will make the change for free. This does not include items that were not included in our contract and statement of work or changes that you need to add after you accept the project materials I provide.

Remote Work

Let’s face it: the Covid-19 pandemic has radically changed the perception and utility of the classic personnel management model—on-site observation and monitoring. Besides that, many companies see technical communicators as overhead and out-source this support as much as possible. That’s where I fit best.

Low Overhead

The cost of doing business always rises. Almost everything seems to be rising, except profits. Business is all about profit, of course. I save you money by working for you from my site rather than yours.

You don’t pay me for the time I would wait for the equipment or software you’d have to order for a new on-site accession. I go to you for interviews and project meetings and I am available throughout the day for phone calls or online meetings.

What Do You Provide?

Depending upon the project, you may need to provide a VPN or FTP access to your development system.

You won’t expend any of your resources to support and manage me. I manage myself and deliver your materials on-time and within your budget.

Of course…Some environments require on-site work. I am happy to work within that framework, too, as local protocols allow.